Group f/64

Framing Clarity: The Enduring Influence of Group f/64 on Modern Photography (Cover Image: © Ansel Adams)

Looking at Society: Social Documentary Photography

The Evolution and Impact of Social Documentary Photography (Cover Image: © Lewis Hine)

Pictorialism and Photography as Art

Exploring the Evolution of Pictorialism: A Journey from Technical Documentation to Artistic Expression (Cover Image: © Alfred Stieglitz)


Capturing Depth: The Enduring Legacy of Stereoscopic Photography

Action Photography

Early photography processes were all relatively insensitive to light. Although with each improved process exposure times had been reduced, until the dry plate arrived they were still in seconds or minutes. Exposures of this duration were made normally by removing and replacing the lens cap, the camera is firmly fixed on a tripod or stand. It was impossible to record moving objects; their movement produced a blur on the plate. Early attempts were made to devise an ‘instantaneous’ process which would enable the photographer to hold the camera and to record action subjects....